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Braintalics is a psychiatry consulting application, providing patients with consultations and services related to mental health. During the pandemic of 2020, the clients noticed an increment in users/patients.


Braintalics Marketplace is a strategic platform designed to help the founders with the overall sales performance and the change in the users. The visualizations also help the clients in planning investments for marketing and forecasting the future market share. As per the requirements we distributed the data into three segments:

1. Sales: 
Visualization for KPIs of Forecast Sales and Actual Sales, along with the variance. The trend chart plots these KPIs along with the green and red bars depicting the positive or negative difference between Forecast and Actual Sales. This helps the users to identify major gaps between the two KPIs mere looking at the chart.

2. Monitor:
Representation of the number of patients/users by the sales generated. Here each circle is a doctor and the size shows the number of appointments/consultations along with the sales growth/decline as per the colour scale. This live dashboard helps the administrators monitor the growth of the application.

3. Disorders:
It is important to classify the types of disorders that most of the patients face, in order to arrange special doctors and encourage the appropriate types of treatment for the users. Here top disorders noted for a year are showcased; text size shows the occurrences of the disorders. Below is a detailed description of the number of cases along with the names.



We created a platform that helps the app owners to understand the user experience with the consulted doctors, creating new opportunities for improvements and serving the patients satisfactorily.

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